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Home > REGAP > WilMoore Farm & Kennel

WilMoore.JPG WilMoore Farm & KennelMona's Dad - Don Wilson - made the sign for the farm and helped in many other ways to get this rescue farm up and running.
kennels.jpg Indoor KennelsGeorge and volunteers built the indoor kennels where the greyhounds stay until they find a home with their forever family. Every kennel has an elevated bed and lots of comfy blankets. Outside they have individual runs for when they go out to potty.
pools.jpg PoolsAnd of course there are plenty of pools to cool off in during the summer!
fields.jpg Running FieldsThere are also enclosed fields where the greyhounds can run for fun. This is where we have our fun Annual Picnic every September. The big horses are no longer there but there is a donkey, Dominick, and a miniature horse, Goldie.
arrivals.JPG New ArrivalsThe Moore and Jorns greys are often on hand to greet new arrivals as they are brought into the dog runs from the hauler.
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