Chicken (Cabo)
July 22, 2007 - May 23, 2016
Note from her Mom, Gretchen:
I just wanted to reach out to you to let you know that sweet Cabo passed away on Monday. On March 1, 2016 Cabo was diagnosed with colon cancer. A tumor was found at the base of her colon right at her rectum. I made the decision to keep her comfortable but not to operate since the tumor was in a very difficult place to remove and given her age and the fact that from the ultrasound it looked as if the cancer had already spread to the nearest lymph node.
The medicine really wasn't helping her these past two weeks. So, we had Lap of Love come out to our house on Monday so she could be with her pack when she crossed the rainbow bridge and so Maya would understand why Cabo will no longer be with us. Lap of Love was wonderful, so gentile and caring. I am heartbroken to lose my sweet baby girl but I know she is no longer suffering. Maya seems to understand but is obviously grieving.
Chicken (Cabo)
REGAP Family: Sire/Dam: Kiowa Sweet Trey/Greys Twilight
B-Day: 7/22/2007